Location: H&M Showroom, Hamburg

THE NEW SCIENCE OF STRETCH – with an innovative photo concept, H&M Denim 360° presented its campaign on Instagram, Snapchat and H&M’s social media channels. The photo shoot as an event and the showroom in Hamburg as a photo studio. 360ties photographed the new H&M stretch jeans with Caroline Daur, Sofia Tsakiridou and Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht for the advertising agency Rothkopf & Huberty. In the process, the bloggers and influencers wowed in their roles in front of the Stage cameras. Immediately during the shoot, the data was uploaded to the 360ties web service and the enthusiastic bloggers were able to post their spectacular bullet time shots directly from the shoot. “This was the perfect stage for our Stage and the ideal combination of fashion, event and social media” says 360ties photographer Dirk Blanke happily.
